project AI

This repository holds few Machine Learning projects

This project is maintained by michael-pitt

GNN for particle track finding

This project, utilize the Graph Neural Network (GNN) for a task of particle track finding. The input data is a set of points in 3D space that represent the interaction between particles and detector. The information is taken from the TrackML challenge.

Inspired by



GNN inputs are a list of points (hits), and list of connections (edges). Not all hits are connected. The code uses pytorch sprase matrices. The algorithm is based on four steps:

  1. Preprocessing: Identification of good pair of hits (edges based on track selection criteria), code that based only on this section can be found in submit_preprocessed_data folder

  2. Evaluation of good pairs based on DNN. The DNN is explained in Pre-Evaluation section.

  3. Evaluation of good paris based on GraphNN

  4. Reconstruction of tracks based on the edges


At the pre-processing stage, good pairs of points (segments) are selected. The selection criteria were set to:

ρ is the radius of a charged particle in a magnetic field in X-Y plane originating from the origin. The radius is related to the particle transverse momentum by ρ= pT[GeV]/(0.3×B[T])

For the training, the TrackML data was preprocessed, and stored as an npz files. Generation of the input data for the DNN training can be found in save_events_to_files.ipynb


After the selection of good pairs (based on physical cuts), further selection of edges evaluated using a DNN model. The DNN has the following structure:


The output of the model is a list of edge weights which used to discriminate bad edges and reduce the input data size (the efficiency of a cut of ω>0.2 found to be 98.5%)


The Graph NN can be found in WeizmannAI folder.

The model contains two nets:
